FNS 7740 F - Built-in freezer

FNS 7740 F
Built-in freezer with Frost free and eight freezer drawers for maximum convenience.

Price: R 39,999.00 
In stock
FNS7740 F

More product information

Built-in freezer with Frost free and eight freezer drawers for maximum convenience.

  • No icing up of food and no need to defrost thanks to NoFrost


    No more defrosting: the circulation cooling system prevents ice from developing, saving the hassle of defrosting. 
  • Food is frozen quickly and gently – SuperFreeze


    The SuperFreeze function can freeze even large amounts of food quickly, providing an ideal solution for customers who have lots of food to freeze as well as for large households. Fresh food can be frozen with ease, and vitamin and nutrient content, along with taste, are retained.
  • Flexible increase in freezer volume – VarioRoom 


    VarioRoom gives you the option to store even bulky frozen food with ease. The drawers can be swapped around or removed to provide maximum flexibility for storing frozen food. You can adjust the space inside your freezer to meet your individual needs.

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