Aubergine moussaka

Ingredients1250 g aubergines
50 ml olive oil
1 onion, diced
30 g butter
750 g minced beef
125 ml white wine
1 tin of tomatoes (drained weight 480 g)
2 tbsp parsley, chopped
3 tbsp breadcrumbs
2 egg whites
500 ml Béchamel sauce
2 egg yolks
100 g grated Cheddar cheese
Type of dish


Occasion, extravagance & level of difficulty


PreparationCut the aubergines into 1 cm thick
slices, sprinkle with salt and leave for
20 minutes to draw out the liquid.
Sauté the onion in the butter. Add the
mince and brown whilst stirring. Drain
the tomatoes, chop roughly and add to
the meat along with the parsley and the
wine. Season liberally with salt and
pepper, and simmer for about
15 minutes. Fold in the breadcrumbs
and the egg whites.
Rinse the aubergines under cold water,
pat dry and fry in olive oil until golden.
Arrange half of the aubergines in the
bottom of the ovenproof dish and then
add the meat mixture. Add the rest of
the aubergines. Lightly whisk the egg
yolks, then fold into the Béchamel
sauce with about 2/3 of the cheese.
Spread the sauce over the aubergines,
and sprinkle with the rest of the cheese.
Bake in the oven uncovered until
TipsRecommended settings
Oven function: Fan plus
Temperature: 170–190 °C
Shelf level: 1
Duration: 45–55 minutes + pre-heating
Alternative settings
Oven function: Gentle bake
Temperature: 170–190 °C
Shelf level: 1
Duration: 50–60 minutes + pre-heating