Banting Creamy scrambled organic eggs, fried chorizo and smoked paprika, fried tomatoes with mixed herbs

noneIngredients4tbs butter
4 organic Braeside chicken eggs
180ml cream
75g sliced chorizo
½ tsp smoked paprika
2 tomatoes
½ tsp dried oreganum
½ tsp garlic and herb mix
Occasion, extravagance & level of difficulty

Simple recipes

Bread, cakes and pastries

Hearty Food



Type of ingredient


Recipe for

2 People

Temperate range


PreparationStart by slicing the tomatoes in half and top with oreganum, garlic and herb mix
Season well and place into a pan with some olive oil on a medium heat spice side down
In the mean time, whisk the eggs and cream lightly
Season and keep to the side
Add the chorizo into a small pan with a little olive oil to get started and cook on a medium heat for about 2 minutes or until the chorizo is crispy (careful not to over-cook the chorizo as you lose a lot of taste and texture if you do)
Add the smoked paprika and cook for a further 30 seconds
Remove off the heat into a small bowl with the oil
Remember to turn your tomatoes after about 7 minutes and cook for a further 4 minutes
When the tomato is almost done, add the butter into a clean pan on a medium heat and melt
Add the egg mixture and stir lightly turning the eggs in the pan
When done to your liking remove onto a heated plate (microwave is fine to heat the plate)
Add the tomato and chorizo to the plate, topping the eggs with the chorizo oil